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Online Training Components of Rail Infrastructure & Maintenance 2

This course makes clear that a well-planned management of rail infrastructure and maintenance help to improve the quality of operations and maintenance processes.

Online Training Components of Rail Infrastructure & Maintenance 2
Your benefits
  • Acquire a good understanding of the dependencies between infrastructure availability and maintenance strategies
  • Gain valuable insights into which defects can occur and how to handle them effectively
  • Enhance your skills and abilities by learning under expert guidance how to analyze infrastructure and maintenance needs and implement planning approaches with the aim of improving the quality of operations and maintenance processes

Course content
Infrastructure is the fundamental component of the rail system and equipment in good working order and regular maintenance are the basis for a successful and safely operated railway system.

This online training provides you with a comprehensive understanding of the principles of rail infrastructure. Focusing on topics such as different maintenance strategies and challenges, handling common defects, and consideration of special track structures, this course leads to a comprehensive understanding of key topics concerning rail infrastructure and maintenance. By learning how to analyze infrastructure and maintenance needs and implement planning approaches, you will be able to improve the quality of operations and maintenance processes in your rail system.

  • Different maintenance strategies
  • Handling of common defects of rail infrastructure: details on repairs
  • Special track structures
  • Deduction of further challenges of maintenance strategies
Next Steps
To complement this course take a look at our course Online Training Components of Rail Infrastructure & Maintenance 1.

DB Rail Academy focuses solely on offering training courses to larger groups from companies. If you and your company are interested in this course, please contact us via email: so we can plan the next steps with you.