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Transportation Risk Management

The transportation process has many unforeseen factors which can have a negative impact. The right risk management approach helps to define possible risks and minimize them.

Transportation Risk Management
Course Level
Type of Course

Basic knowledge of transportation / logistics and transportation equipment used necessary; ideally you will have taken the course Cargo Classification and Shipping Tools

Your benefits
  • Identify main factors influencing risks in the transportation process and detect different types and examples of transportation risks
  • Learn about possible precautions, tools and solutions to help minimize transportation risks
  • Gain insights into the benefits of applying Transportation Risk Management for your business 

Course content
Since the transportation / logistics process occurs over a very wide space, most of it is unseen to us, and as a result there are many unforeseen factors which can have a negative impact on business. Thus, there may be many risks that a company needs to consider and, where possible, minimize.

Hence, this online course will define what is risk and look at how it can influence our business drastically focusing on the main factors influencing such risks and elaborating on different examples of what could be the different risks that a company needs to detect and manage.

You will learn about the Risk Management Approach and how to implement it by exploring some solutions and tools for minimizing transportation risks. Moreover, you will explore how such tools can benefit you and your company in different aspects that affect increasing business, driving more profit, expanding and enriching your expertise and by return, affects your reputation in a more reliable competitive way.

  • What is Risk Management and how it can affect the logistics/transportation process
  • Identifying main factors influencing transportation risks, exploring different types and examples of risks
  • How to detect and analyze risks within the transportation process
  • Solutions for minimizing risks and examples of tools
  • Implementing the Transportation Risk Management Approach
  • Benefits of applying Transportation Risk Management and promoting these

Requirements for taking the course:
A basic knowledge of transportation / logistics and transportation equipment used is necessary. Ideally you will have taken the course Cargo Classification and Shipping Tools.

DB Rail Academy focuses solely on offering training courses to larger groups from companies. If you and your company are interested in this course, please contact us via email: so we can plan the next steps with you.